Transformational Christian Counseling, Life Coaching, and Soul Care Solutions

15 Reasons to Have a Spiritual Director in Your Network

Posted by on Sep 9, 2014 in Soul Health and Wellness |

15 Reasons to Have a Spiritual Director in Your Network

Christian spiritual direction, an ancient ministry of the Church, is a relationship in which one person assists another, or others, in attending to God’s presence and the workings of the Holy Spirit in their life.  Spiritual direction involves an individual(s) meeting with a spiritual mentor to come alongside and accompany them on their spiritual journey.  The meetings involve conversationn that centers on the directee’s personal relationship with God.

Throughout Christian history, spiritual direction has traditionally been practiced by licensed and/or ordained clergy.  Spiritual direction involves companionship with another person or group through which the Lord is the ‘Director’ and works through the spiritual directos gifts of wisdom, encouragement and discernment.

It’s great to have a friend you can talk to about your spiritual life, but that’s not the same as having a spiritual director in your network.  Spiritual directors should be friendly, but not a personal friend as Christian spiritual directors are responsible for keeping boundaries in the relationship safe and clear to the glory of God.

While spiritual direction may be therapeutic, and some spiritual directors may also be Christian counselors, it is not counseling or therapy .  Christian counseling or therapy is designed to help you work on emotional , mental health, behavioral and relational issues.  Counseling  (a/k/a therapy) focuses on healing and typically takes place once a week.  Most spiritual directors meet with their directees on a monthly basis and focus on spiritual reflection and growth.  One should not be subsited for the other.

Spiritual direction helps explore ordinary life and the mystery of faith.  It is non-judgmental and confidential.  Spiritual direction is an excellent ministry for helping directees to become more aware of God’s presence, for reflecting on His goodness in their life and for sorting out difficult life situations and choices through discernment.  Christian spiritual direction centers around our God, prayer, meditation and the workings of the Holy Spirit in everyday life.

People seek spiritual direction for many reasons, among them:

  1. To deepen and strengthen a healthy spiritual life including their prayer life.
  2. To more fully integrate spirituality into their daily living.
  3. To share hopes, joys, fears and struggles in a safe environment.
  4. To engage the companionship, support, encouragement and witness of a mature Christian.
  5. To develop better life balance, structure, discipline and wholeness.
  6. To spiritually heal from past hurts and wounds.
  7. To find spiritually healthy ways to deal with loss, anxiety or stress.
  8. To restore a loving and empowering connection with the Lord.
  9. To discover  their  spiritual genetics (temperament) and how to honor God accordingly.
  10. To discover new spiritual resources.
  11. To develop individualized means of fully engaging  your faith.
  12. To put spiritual discernment to your vocational endeavors.
  13. To make important decisions or changes in their life.
  14. To a converse with a confidant who is gifted, equipped and and non-judgmental.
  15. To come put their spiritual eyes and ears to discerning the presence of God.

A spiritual director is experienced in accompanying others in their relationship with God.  He/she is someone with whom you can talk about your experiences and encounters with God through your prayer life and in your day-to-day living.  A spiritual director listens and will invite you to become more conscious of how God is active in your life and how you can personally respond to Him through the various areas of your life.  A spiritual director is an excellent person to include in our network as a member of your personal board of spiritual advisers.

Dr. Linda H. King is the Founder, President & Chief Ministry Officer of Soul Care Ministries International, Inc. and the Soul Care Ministries Institute™, an N.C.C.A. Certified Academic Institution; an Ordained Minister of the Gospel and N.C.C.A. Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor – Board Certified; Professional Life Coach, Speaker and Author. Dr. King can be reached 1 (888) 761-5777, Ext 3 or

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