It is our great pleasure to greet you and welcome you to our ‘without walls’ soul care ministry in the marketplace. We are elated to receive your visit online.
Soul Care Ministries International, Inc. is a faith-based, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization that specializes in providing Holistic Soul Care via pastoral counseling, life skills coaching, consulting, spiritual direction, and spiritual direction. In addition, we are dedicated to equipping Christian counselors, life coaches and care-givers for works of service in their local church, community and around the world.
We are here to come alongside and serve you through transformational Christian Counseling, Life Coaching, and Soul Care.
Restoring the Hope. Healing the Hurts. Empowering the People.
Soul Care Ministries International (SCMi™) is a marketplace ministry established to come alongside the local church in serving the spiritual, mental and emotional health and wellness needs of the congregation and community; equipping ministry leaders, laity and professionals for works of service; and for taking the good news of the Gospel to the world through practical soul care ministry services. Located in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA we provide services locally and online around the world.
As an integral part of the universal Church, SCMi provides Biblically based, Christ centered, culturally sensitive Ministry of the Gospel, Christian Counseling and Life Coaching, Spiritual Direction, Christian Education and Faith-Based Consulting to individuals, couples, families, churches, businesses and organizations.
Such that you will have an understanding of the prophetic name God has given our organization, we would like to share with you what the name means. Christian Soul Care is the ministry of providing loving and compassionate care and counsel such that it invites God’s touch of healing, deliverance, encouragement, guidance, conciliation, restoration, transformation and liberation into the lives of His people.
At Soul Care Ministries International, you can be assured we will serve you in a biblical, confidential, loving, compassionate and professional manner. We look to share the love of God with you and to work together in an environment of confidentiality and trust. We invite you to browse our website and to learn more about our organization. Contact us and let us help you to ‘prosper in all things and be in good health; just as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2 NKJV)’. We look forward to serving you and pray that God will bless you and yours through our ministry.
Love, Peace and Blessings!
Dr. Linda H. King