Professional faith-based, soul-focused Life Coaching to come alongside and help you you thrive in life, be well and in holistic health, and prosper in the soul realm. This service will help you to harness your God-given spiritual genetics, natural gifts, and talents as well as your personality, skills, and abilities as you find CLARITY and DIRECTION, GROW, TEND YOUR SOUL, INCREASE YOUR FAITH and find your LIFE PURPOSE. God created you as a ‘living soul’ and He created in you a ‘soul’. The soul (mind, will and emotions) is the seat of the struggles, battles and challenges that hinder us when it comes to setting goals, creating results, managing personal change, experiencing success . . . being well and prospering in the soul realm.
Life Coaching aims to draws out a person’s potential rather than putting in knowledge from outside. Life Coaching can be effective in many areas and situations. For example in helping a person discover their unique temperament, in career direction and development, for finding one’s passion and life purpose, for personal fulfillment, leadership, business, ministry or navigating life change. Our Life Coaches are trained and credentialed to providef professional, faith-based life coaching in these areas.
How would your life change if you could tap into your authentic self and fulfill your potential by learning your spiritual genetics? What if you had a professionally credentialed Christian Life Coach who could help you to achieve what you desire in life? Today you are one step closer to achieving that goal!
Your goal for life coaching is our goal. . . helping you to discover the truly unique and authentic you, achieve your full potential ,and fulfill God’s purpose and plan for your life. Spurring you on intellectually, socially, spiritually and emotionally is our objective (cf. Hebrews 10:24). Helping you make improvements in your life is our focus.
Effective life coaching is a form of change facilitation as it enables people, rather than trains them. Life Coaching is reactive and flexible, allowing for for personal growth on an individual basis. It is not not judgmental, nor is it prescriptive or instructional. However, in some cases, it may be directive.
Coaching differs from counseling in that counseling focuses on healing and restoration while coaching assumes mental, emotional and spiritual health. Coaching is for those who are:
- Ready to make significant change
- Ready for the next level of development
- Looking to identify their passion, calling and/or life purpose
- Desire more sustainable wellness and life balance
- Want to identify your temperament tendencies, strengths and weaknesses (a/k/a spiritual genetics)
- Want to explore news ways to effectively use your spiritual gifts and natural talents
- Ready to embrace change and navigate life transition
- Looking to create actionable strategies and accomplish specific goals
Your Life Coach will provide support and guidance for transforming the issues that stand in the way of you achieving your goals by playing to your God-given temperament strengths, utilizing your spiritual gifts and natural talents, and finding direction. The Life Coaching, we provide, involves focused, faith-based and collaborative conversation that lead the client to self discovery and create pathways for sustained growth.
Many people today understand and are taking advantage of having a Life Coach on their team of professional advisers. While athletes, public speakers and other professionals have historically benefited from coaching, people are now utilizing financial coaches, nutritional coaches, fitness coaches, health and wellness coaches, leadership coaches, temperament coaches, career and job search coaches, business coaches and what has become known as ‘life coaches’. Just as people are looking to counselors to help them with their problems, they are looking toLife Coach es to come alongside and guide them through life challenges to include marital, relational, parenting, spiritual, financial, to help them through life transitions and to help them with faith-based matters. The coaching relationship will help you get results. Our primary faith-based coaching model utilizes Temperament Theory and the Arno Profile System as a key personal identification/inventory. We call it Temperament Life Skills Coaching or Temperament Life Coaching. The Arno Profile System does not measure a person’s behavior, instead it identifies a person’s inborn, God-given temperament. Who God created us to be (temperament) and who we become (through learned behavior) can be entirely different. Finding out who we really are and finding ways to become the person God wants us to be (the true self), instead of the person we have learned to be (the masked self), can be tremendously empowering when it comes to achieving our goals. Temperament Life Coaching, using temperament, is the art and practice of guiding a person or group from where they are toward a greater competence and fulfillment. Unlike Temperament Therapy which focuses on healing, this coaching model is aimed at helping people determine and achieve personal goals and remove roadblocks to success from their lives so that they can accomplish their goals. In order to help clients accomplish their goals, your Life Coach will help you to improve and develop, learn new skills, find personal success, achieve aims and manage life change, transitions and challenges. We help you to achieve your God-given potential by focusing on building your confidence, expanding your vision, getting unstuck, increasing your skills, fulfilling your dreams and taking practical steps toward your goals. People who utilize our our services are emotionally and spiritually healthy, but are looking to make some improvements in their lives. By identifying your temperament strengths and weaknesses, you will be well equipped to focus on and achieve your goals. Life Coaching, using the Arno Profile System, can be provided on a stand-a-lone Temperament Life Skills Coaching basis or to augment specialized coaching services offered by our professional life coaches. For example:
- Adult Personal Life Coaching
- Career/Vocational Life Coaching
- Business, Ministry, and Leadership Life Coaching
- Signature Life Coaching and Holistic Soul Care Solutions
The Arno Profile System (A.P.S.) has been developed and tested by Dr.’s Phyllis and Richard Arno, since 1983, for the purpose of increasing effectiveness in the delivery of faith-based temperament counseling, coaching and consulting services. Over the past eighteen years, multiple testing and research have produced an accuracy rate of approximately 93% in identifying an individual’s correct temperament (a/k/a Spiritual Genetics). As your Life Coach, we will begin the coaching process by administering the A.P.S. Response Form which includes 54 questions. Other assessments are also used with some of our coaching services. The cost of the A.P.S. is $75 per adult/$140 per couple/$125 adult and personnel assessment/$75 personnel assessment (included at no additional cost with our coaching packages). This only takes approximately eight minutes to complete. As a result of the A.P.S. Report, your coach will learn more about you than he/she could possibly glean (learn) in eight or ten coaching sessions. Following completion, he/she will share the results. While the coaching may vary from one client to another, we typically began with a 5-Session Temperament Life Skills Coaching format whereby we teach you about your temperament. We recommend starting with the Arno Profile System (APS), as a prerequisite to our Life Skills Coaching services. . . it is one of the keys to a highly effective life coaching experience.
Even if you are working with another coach, learning your temperament (and temperament tendencies, needs, strengths and weaknesses) can ultimately save you time and money, and will help you to achieve the maximum benefit from your coaching experience because it will help you to better understand the temperament or the ‘unique and authentic you’ that God created. The Arno Profile System (A.P.S.) can only be provided by individuals who are appropriately credentialed by the National Christian Counselors Association (N.C.C.A.) and/or Sarasota Academy of Christian Counselors (S.A.C.C.).
Life Coaching is a fee-based service and is typically provided by phone but can be provided face-to-face or via Skype. This service is provided by appointment only. A standard 5-Session Life Coaching Package, including a temperament profile or personality test, is offered at $825. Sessions average 45 to 60 minutes. Each additional coaching session, which is to be focused on a specific coaching topic, is provided at the coach’s standard rate. We offer an initial 15 to 30-Minute No-Fee Phone Consultation to help you get to know the life coach, his/her areas of specialization and expertise and so that he/she can get to know you.
We choose to make our services more easily accessible by offering reasonable alternatives to the standard rate. Discounted, more economical packages, are offered (please see below). We also offer our 5-Session Life Skills Coaching service, based on a Sliding Scale, to those who are under-served, unemployed, under-employed or on fixed income. This service is only provided online and is subject to approval of a financial assistance application and the availability of resources. The actual fee will be stipulated via a Financial Determination Letter provided by our Financial Advisory Committee. The fee, based on the sliding scale is 1/2 of 1% (.001) of the eligible client’s annual household income. In order to cover our basic administrative and operating costs, minimum contributions have been established. Fees can be remitted via PayPal®, money order or certified check made payable to Soul Care Ministries International, Inc. Payment is required prior to your appointment.
Half day Temperament Life Skills Coaching intensives are offered (subject to availability) for those who may prefer to take some time out for a more focused coaching experience. These sessions are typically only offered at standard rate and include the Arno Profile System at no additional charge. Some of our life coaches offer Temperament Life Coaching, Counseling and Consulting using the Arno Profile system to out of town clients. Out of town sessions are offered at standard rate plus travel and expenses if outside the coach’s geographic area. If we are in your geographic area, we are receptive to offering the service in your office as schedules permit. You may contact your Life Coach for more information on these options.
SCMi™ is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our coaching clients. We have practices, policies and procedures in place to respect your right to privacy. Coaching is available for individuals, couples, churches, organizations, businesses or groups. Considering professional life coaching can be a big step. During our initial, no-fee phone consultation, we will try to answer any questions you have about the process. We look forward to coming alongside you and helping you to achieve your goals and ‘prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (cf. 3 John 1:2).
Your Commitment . . . Since coaching benefits occur over time, your commitment is extremely important. Most of our clients choose to continue coaching beyond the initial 5-Session Temperament Coaching format because they find that the value the coaching brings to their life is well worth the investment. While some clients feel complete at 2 to 3 months, others stay for nine (9) months to a year due to the measurable progress they’re making and the incredible support that coaching provides.
Coaching Fees May Be Tax Deductible . . . If your coaching supports your business or your career, your fees may be tax deductible. We recommend that you check with your tax adviser. On request, a monthly invoice can be supplied.
Discounted Personal Life Skills Coaching Packages . . .
The Basic Temperament Life Skills Coaching Package: We jump start your coaching with one personal or personnel Arno Profile Report which is included. This service focuses on identifying and learning about your unique temperament. The first session is a discovery and goal setting session. The first session can be held in person or by phone, depending on proximity and preference. After that there will be four (4) phone meetings, each 30 to 45 minutes in length (typically each week). The cost of the Basic Temperament Life Skills Coaching Package (when paid in advance) has been discounted to $595 (a savings of $230). Any additional sessions are provided at the coach’s standard rate. For an extended coaching package, please see below.
The Extended Temperament Life Coaching Package: We offer this package for clients who prefer longer, regular coaching meetings to focus on growing in their temperament strengths. Your coaching process will begin with our 5-Session/5-Week format utilizing the Arno Profile System. One Arno Profile Report (personal or personnel) is included at no additional charge. The first session is a discovery and goal setting session. During the other sessions, together we will identify important issues relating to your personal life and/or work, clarify goals and help you grow in your temperament strengths. The first meeting can be held in person or by phone, depending on geographic proximity and preference. After that we have four (4) phone meetings per month, each scheduled for 45 to 60 minutes in length. This package is offered at a discounted fee of $675 for the initial five sessions plus $500/month for each subsequent month ( a savings of $350+) when paid in advance. This package requires a commitment of at least one additional months of temperament life skills coaching.
Signature Life Coaching Solutions . . .
Thrive, be well and experience soul level prosperity through healing, clarity and empowerment! That’s the focus of our Signature Life Coaching Solutions, developed and offered by Dr. Linda H. King. This service embraces an integrated approach to whole life coaching and holistic soul care. We understand the unique challenges you face when it comes to balancing your personal life, and holistic wellness, with the demands of your family, career, entrepreneurial endeavors, business, ministry, leadership role and/or other work. Our signature solutions are customized to meet the unique needs of each individual, business or organizations. Our clients receive the distinct advantage of obtaining faith-based, goal-oriented, solutions-focused services at reasonable rates. This is a faith-based, solutions-focused, transformational service as it helps our clients to heal from past hurts, wounds and emotional upsets; gain clarity for what is going on in their life and work now; and empowers them to embrace their future. It also includes the Arno Profile System temperament analysis profile and other assessments at no additional charge. The objective is to help you ‘prosper in all things, and be in health, just as your soul prospers’! Our affordable fee schedule is made possible via our not-for-profit status. The total cost will depend upon the scope of service. Fees are based on an hourly, monthly or program basis whereby our programs are the most cost effective. Contact Dr. Linda King to learn more.
Additional Information:
A $50 convenience fee is charged for appointments that are cancelled less than 48 business hours before the scheduled session. Your full session fee is assessed for appointments that are cancelled less than 24 hours in advance unless for emergency reasons (a $25 appointment change fee may be assessed). We require that you maintain a credit card on our file to be used only in the event of a cancellation. Upon late arrival, we may provide only the remaining time set aside for your appointment. Please keep up with your scheduled appointments as we may not always be available to confirm your appointment in advance. While we encourage our client to remit their payment via Paypal®, a $35 fee will be incurred in the unfortunate event of an insufficient funds check. Payment is requested at least 48 hours prior to the time of service and is to be made payable to Soul Care Ministries International, Inc.
Let’s Get Started!
Contact us for more information, to discuss group coaching packages and/or to schedule your coaching sessions. We look forward to working with you and helping you to reach your goals and maximize your potential. You will find the encouragement, support and accountability you need to reach your goals. We will partner with you as you tend your soul and while also pursuing personal growth and development.